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Prediction of microstructure formation in laser powder bed fusion process.

  • Yuan, Lang | University of South Carolina
  • Fattebert, Jean-Luc | Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Sabau, Adrian | Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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The datasets are results analyzing the predicted microstructures in a single track during the laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing process. They are the outputs by running the opensource code, muMatScale (The code can be cited at: Yuan, Lang, Fattebert, Jean-Luc, and Sabau, Adrian. (2023, August 03). muMatScale. [Computer software]. For each set of data, it contains the time-dependent information of Temperature, Fraction Solid, Grain ID, Grain Angle ( crystallographic orientations by Euler angles), and solute Composition. The dataset can be visualized by Paraview ( ). The 6 datasets are: 1. Baseline_base1_n4e14_dt20: baseline case with bulk nucleation density of 4E+14/m^3, undercooling of 20K, substrate nucleation density of 1.5E+15/m^3 2. Nuc_n4e15_dt20: case with bulk nucleation density of 4E+15/m^3, undercooling of 20K, substrate nucleation density of 1.5E+15/m^3 3. Nuc_n4e15_dt50: case with bulk nucleation density of 4E+15/m^3, undercooling of 50K, substrate nucleation density of 1.5E+15/m^3 4. Nuc_n6e15_dt20: case with bulk nucleation density of 4E+16/m^3, undercooling of 20K, substrate nucleation density of 1.5E+15/m^3 5. Base4_n4e14_dt20: case with bulk nucleation density of 4E+14/m^3, undercooling of 20K, substrate nucleation density of 6.0E+15/m^3 6. Base16_n4e14_dt20: case with bulk nucleation density of 4E+14/m^3, undercooling of 20K, substrate nucleation density of 2.4E+16/m^3

Funding resources

DOE contract number


Originating research organization

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States)

Sponsoring organization

Office of Science (SC)




Release date

February 23, 2024


Dataset type

ND Numeric Data


Visualization software: Paraview


Users should acknowledge the OLCF in all publications and presentations that speak to work performed on OLCF resources:

This research used resources of the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725.




  • Additive manufacturing,
  • Laser powder bed fusion,
  • Solidification microstructure,
  • Microsegregation,
  • Subgrain cellular structure