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Constellation FAQs

What is Constellation?

The Constellation portal is a service of OLCF that allows ORNL users to access and publish datasets associated with active research projects within, or in coordination with ORNL. These datasets are carefully reviewed and are then made available to researchers and the public around the world.

Datasets are assigned a permanent Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) and submitted to DOE's Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) for inclusion in the DOE Data Explorer. A DOI is a unique and persistent alphanumeric identifier used to identify and resolve digital "objects" which, for OLCF, are typically research artifacts such as articles, reports, and datasets. The OLCF's Constellation data portal allows public users to browse, search, and download objects associated with DOIs published from within OLCF.

Only authenticated users may create and publish DOIs via the Constellation Portal, and all submitted DOIs and associated documents and/or data will be subject to review and approval by ORNL staff prior to publication.

What is the mission of Constellation?

Constellation's mission is to curate, publish, and archive digital research data from any discipline. We provide long-term public access to support research transparency, reproducibility, and to foster new discoveries. Our service is designed to help researchers share their data ethically and to meet the FAIR Guiding Principles (i.e., Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable).

What are the steps needed to publish my dataset on Constellation?

There are seven steps involved in publishing your dataset on Constellation:

  1.         Obtain a Globus ID
  2.         Create your Constellation user account
  3.         Reserve a DOI for your dataset
  4.         Add metadata and create README
  5.         Add data files and submit your dataset for review 
  6.         Address any questions or concerns about your dataset received from ORNL curators
  7.        Receive notification that your dataset has been published

How do I publish my dataset on Constellation?

 1. Obtain a Globus ID

a. If you don't already have a Globus ID, go to and fill in the form to create a Globus ID. 

b. You will be asked to verify your email address.

c. Once your email address is verified, your Globus ID can be found under Settings > Account > Identity. It should be in the form of [globus_username]


2. Create your Constellation user account

a. Click on the REGISTER button on the Constellation website

b. Enter your Globus ID and review and accept the User Agreement

c. You will be taken to your account dashboard


3. Reserve a DOI for your dataset

a. Start the process of adding your dataset by clicking on the "Reserve new DOI" button in your user dashboard.

b. Enter a draft Title for your dataset.

c. Indicate whether the data you are submitting was created using resources of the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF).

d. Click Save. Your dataset and reserved DOI will now be visible in your dashboard under "Draft datasets."

NOTE: This step does not actually create a DOI - rather, it creates a request record (with an associated request ID) that must be submitted once data has been uploaded. When the request is saved, the system will send an email to the e-mail address associated with your account describing how to upload data and how to submit the DOI request for final review. Prior to submitting a DOI for review, you can update the DOI as many times as needed.


 4. Add metadata and create README file

In your user dashboard, find your dataset under "Draft datasets" and click the "add" button under "Metadata." This will open a form that enables entry of metadata to be associated with the new DOI. The fields of this form are described below:

Title (required) Short description of the DOI being created.

Authors (required) You can add multiple authors to the DOI, and you must have at least one author. Fill out all required fields for each author including: First Name, Last Name, Affiliation, and E-mail.

DOE Contract Nos (required) DOE contract number under which the work was funded. Multiple DOE contract numbers may be entered in this text field.

Originating Organization (required) The originating organization's name that performed the research or issued the dataset.

Sponsor Orgs. (required) The sponsoring organization's name that sponsored the dataset.

Contributing Orgs (optional) Any organizations that contributed to the dataset either through significant review, site management, data collection, etc.

Dataset Type (required) The data's main or most important content. Please see the OSTI Dataset Type Website for a better description of the dataset content type

Subject(s) (optional) The subject identifies the scientific discipline of the DOI. Please see the OSTI Elink Subject Categories website for more information. You can select multiple subjects.

Keywords (optional) Terms that describe the content of the DOI's dataset. More than one term may be entered in this text field.

Description (required) Long description of the DOI being created.

Software Needed (optional) Any software needed to access the dataset. 

OLCF Project Identifier (required) The OLCF Project ID assigned to the research associated with the DOI. Project identifiers are usually six alphanumeric digits, such as 'ABC001'. If the project was not funded by OLCF, enter N/A.

Other Contract Nos (optional) Other contract numbers that do not fit elsewhere in the form. Multiple other contract numbers may be entered in this text field.

Product Nos. (optional) Product Numbers identifying the dataset that has been assigned to the dataset by either the originating/submitting organization or by the organization currently hosting the data.

Other Identifying Nos. (optional) Any other identifying numbers that do not fit anywhere else in this form.

Related Identifiers (optional) The DOI being created may be related to other DOIs. A DOI may be related because this DOI cites another DOI, or this DOI Continues another DOI, etc. Add as many related identifiers as are relevant.


c. When all required fields are complete, click the “Save” button to save the DOI request as a draft. If any required field is omitted, you will get a “Data Entry Error” alert indicating the error. To resolve the issue just enter the missing information in the form and click the "Save" button again.

d. A Constellation curator will send you a template for a README file that you should complete and upload along with your dataset files. A README provides additional context and citation information for your dataset, and should help future researchers understand and reuse your data. Look for an email from

5. Add data files and submit your dataset for review

a. You will be given access to a Globus endpoint to upload your data files to staging. This link will either be sent by email, or be available in your user dashboard next to the associate draft dataset.

b. Add your data files and completed README document to the Globus directory for your dataset.

c. To send your dataset for review and publication, open the metadata form, change status to "Needs Approval" and click "Save."

6. Address any questions or concerns about your dataset received from ORNL curators

a. DOIs that are created using the OLCF Constellation Portal are reviewed prior to publication by a member of the Constellation Data Curation team. Curators check metadata and documentation for completion and make suggestions to improve data discoverability and reuse. You will be contacted if the curator has any concerns or is requesting changes to the dataset.

b. Datasets may be approved, rejected, or encounter a failure in the issue process. You will be contacted by a curator if your dataset is rejected or the issue process has failed. The review status of your dataset will appear in your user dashboard.

c. Your account dashboard will display a list of datasets that are in the process of being uploaded, reviewed and published. Each dataset will indicate its current status:

        i. Draft (you are working on it)

        ii. Submitted for approval (dataset has been submitted for review and approval)

        iii. Approved (dataset has been approved and is being moved to the data repository)

        iv. Published (available for download)


7. Receive notification that your dataset has been published

Once your dataset has been approved and it has been moved to the ORNL data repository, its status will change to "Published" and it will be made available for download by anyone who wants it.